an ant of the world (Planetkult)

Can ants save the world? The latest research proves it: Ant activity accelerates the weathering of rocks! This is exciting news for us all, because weathering cools the planet. There is already speculation as to whether the stabilisation of the climate system 350 million years ago was directly related to the emergence of the ant species. Is there a global “ant effect” that could help us today to prevent the collapse of the climate? The group andcompany&Co. has been working intensively on this species for more than four years: in 2021/22, they developed the play “global swarming – the science of the antz”, sometimes transforming themselves into the ANTCOMPANY in the hope of surviving the climate catastrophe as ants.
andcompany&Co. are currently working on an update of Bogdanov’s novel “The Red Star” on the grounds of the Floating University Berlin, the rainwater retention basin of the former Berlin-Tempelhof Airport: “MarsOnEarth”. For the eco-socialists on Mars, the question arises as to whether earthly humanity should be given another chance. The ants on Earth are asking themselves the same question. In this lecture performance, the group talks about their double life as artists and activists, ants and humans. “For us, it doesn’t feel schizophrenic at all”, says Alexander Karschnia from andcompany&Co., “whether ant or human – the main thing is anti-fascist!” Antifascist ants (ANTiFA) demand: CANCEL INDUSTRIAL CO2!

From & with: Alexander Karschnia, Nicola Nord & Sascha Sulimma Text: Alexander Karschnia &Co. Music: Sascha Sulimma &Co. Video: Kathrin Krottenthaler Masks: Hila Flashkes Technical direction: Marc Zeuske Communication: Lisa Schmidt Administration: Sujmo Akcali Company Management: Caroline Farke

Based on: “global swarming – the science of the antz”, a production from andcompany&Co. in co-production with HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz and FFT Düsseldorf. Supported by: Hauptstadtkulturfonds and Berliner Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa.